Distributed Runtime Application
Self-Protection (D-RASP)

Distributed Runtime Application
Self-Protection (D-RASP)

ProtectOnce realizes the elusive holy-grail of AppSec, RASP, in a way that works for modern application architectures.

The ProtectOnce library (yes, that one line of code) automatically and transparently inserts behavioral detections deep in your application, so that malicious behaviors that might slip past the Edge Defense will still be caught.

Our Distributed RASP leverages the full execution context of requests to block critical attacks without false positives.

ProtectOnce realizes the elusive holy-grail of AppSec, RASP, in a way that works for modern application architectures.

The ProtectOnce library (yes, that one line of code) automatically and transparently inserts behavioral detections deep in your application, so that malicious behaviors that might slip past the Edge Defense will still be caught.

Our Distributed RASP leverages the full execution context of requests to block critical attacks without false positives.

RASP built for distributed applications

RASP built for distributed applications

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AppSec Academy for Developers

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